Species Profile: The Ethiopian Wolf
The Ethiopian wolf numbers less than 500 in the wild today. This has earned it the unenviable title of the most threatened canid in Africa and indeed the world.
The Ethiopian wolf numbers less than 500 in the wild today. This has earned it the unenviable title of the most threatened canid in Africa and indeed the world.
The Eastern Wolf has one of the most widely contested classification among wolf species. Experts can’t seem to agree if it’s a subspecies of the Gray Wolf or not.
People have been fascinated with, and yet, afraid of the gray wolf for centuries now. Here are the facts about the largest wolf breed on earth, the gray wolf. The gray wolf (or grey wolf) is a native animal of the wilderness and some remote areas of Eurasia and North America. It’s the largest and…
Get all the factual answers to the most common Wolf Questions here. Learn more about these awesome creatures and the way they live out in the wild.
The Indian Wolf has one of the worst records regarding human attacks and fatalities. But much of its prey has been taken over by human encroachment.
The process of domesticating wolves started thousands of years ago but how has it fared so far? Are there any consequences of this action?
Coyote-Wolf Hybrids now number in their millions across parts of North America and are surprisingly versatile. How do they survive in terrain and conditions that pure bred wolves and coyotes can’t?
Despite the fierce debate from the public and farmers about the return of wolves to Germany, here are 2 women managing German wolves against all odds.